Hi friends,
Today it has been an ok day.
I was just paging through my art journal and came across a little detail of a sketch, it is a small little detail.
As an artist I am always looking for inspiration. It comes in many forms.
The other night I saw 30 Santas on bicycles at night
Who knows what this Santa gang were up to.
But it made me laugh and inspired a spirit of adventure.
Like, why the heck NOT just do something goofy like that?
The same is true inside the canvas.
There are moments I can just let it all go and make marks on the canvas that don’t make sense.
They may make sense later, or not.
I say to myself… don’t take the work too seriously and strangle spontaneity.
It’s all it takes for me to open my mind to my own past work
To sling shot to the future
Thank You Love it that inspires you
Thank You Sara just saw this
Hey it’s me! This is very inspiring and what I need to hear. Fear freezes the soul. Completely love this little picture you have posted here. Thanks! Stay warm!