As I woke up this morning I remembered my last thought before falling asleep last night

The thought was you made my gratitude list

The reason for my writing everyday in my blog for the month of December is to stay in touch with myself and my feelings and connect with others in a real way

Not in a “it’s the holidays” kind of way

Here we go into the darkest month of the year, that is until solstice when the days get longer

So I’m making my own reality in this magical time of less daylight

As for gratitude today

The realization of being able to do what I thought I could Not do

Like pushing a one ton pick-up out of a snow bank… yeah by myself… and when it got stuck again… asked for help from another human walking by

The connection was immediate

My lesson to myself: don’t believe your limited brain when it tells you “you cant!!” Cause I can!

Growing up I told myself I could not write… and here I am learning to write.

Until tomorrow, friends.

Leave comments so we check in with each other this month

P.s. Grateful for my friend Jannat Day who edits this for me