I was up at 5 am today. Didn’t mean to be up so early, but that’s the way it goes.

So this being up early turned into painting early in the morning, again.

I thought I would just look at the paintings, but the more I looked the more I thought I need to get back this one painting that I thought I was finished with.

So I started making some more defining lines and started working on a finished painting, something I don’t normally do.

The danger with this, of course, is it’s like opening a can of worms, one thing leads to another and it ends up being a totally new painting.

I thought I might be starting all over again but that didn’t happen.

This is the only painting where the fish has the eyes closed. The fish is spitting stars into the universe and there is a transition from left to right. The colors are a bit dissonant to me and the eye travels to the right to this very peaceful fish spitting stars in her dream making a universe out of her inner world.